News item 1
Thank You From The Band Omni-
PHENOMENAL 4th July Festival @ Clawson!!! Thanks to the many people who came out! Your support and all the new friends we made!! Special thanks to Torence Carey @ Perfection Entertainment, Bruce Cohen, City of Clawson, Dave (our sound engineer extrordinare!), Mike (our event coordinator), Carles & Bob w/ the band Meridian Deep and the band Heavens Echo
About Our Logo/Emoji
Uncle Frank's Music Corner
"At AaronGTV, our signature symbol, B)>+, is more than just an emoji - it's a symbol of our unique brand identity. From our watermarked photos to our signature video series, this symbol represents our commitment to creating engaging and stylish content that reflects our values of fun, fashion, and faith. Whether you're engaging with us on social media or browsing our website, you'll see this symbol featured prominently, serving as a consistent visual language that ties together our online presence. We're proud to use it as a representation of our brand, and we hope it brings a smile to your face!"

News item 2
Uncle Frank's Music Corner
Winter’s End – Omni
Omni Productions
Is there such a thing as Christian Prog Rock? Yes, Elizabeth, there is and this band is
the latest incarnation of this genre. Oh, you may think of Iona from England or AD with
Kerry Livgrin from Kansas, but this is 2010. Iona is still around and AD is long gone,
(too bad, they were good, just a little ahead of their time). Omni is now, with powerful,
hopeful, very well done music for the brooding Christian masses. OK, maybe brooding
is over the top, but this group is intense! I love the creativity of Aaron Golematis. He
is the chief cook and bottle washer of this group and he has done a great job of writing
& producing this project. The musicians really translate the intensity of Aaron’s lyrics
with their playing and Aaron’s vocals are truly powerful. I’d list my favorite tracks, but
truly, they are all good. I first heard of this band from my friend Steve Schwind who
called me on the phone and told me about this band he just signed on with as drummer.
The band has undergone some personnel changes since this recording, but the intensity
has been maintained as Aaron puts his live performance band together for what I’m sure
will be a long run of concerts. I was able to mix for these guys up at Woodside Bible
Church’s beloved Room 231 and the group of guys he had with him that night duplicated
what’s on this CD to a tee. Aaron & Steve are still together and are now getting bookings
around the Detroit area. Check their website www.myspace.com/bandnameomni and you
can buy their CD and get their latest touring schedule. Get in on the ground floor with
these guys as they get more popular. Trust me, they will. I love it when local bands get
Till next time
Uncle Frank
Gal. 6:10

News item 3
Macomb Daily 2012
- I love hearing some of the stories and inspirations behind the songs that singers and bands make. Sometimes, unfortunately, I’m more impressed by the stories than the finished product, but the CD “Winter’s End” by the Detroit-area band “Omni-” (www.theomniband.com) is nothing short of amazing all across the board! “We didn’t have any money to go into a real recording studio, so we just had to take what we did have and make it work”, says Omni’s lead singer Aaron G. “A friend of mine said ‘I don’t have any money that I can loan you, but I have an empty warehouse’ and I said ‘great, we’ll take it”. Barely heated, with borrowed recording equipment, microphones propped up on books and vocals recorded in the warehouse’s bathroom, Aaron and his band took what they had, rubbed two sticks together and created one of the best CDs I’ve heard in a long time. From the stirring track “Neverending Winter” to the amazing jam “Since I Met You”, this is one of those CDs that you just put on “repeat” and leave it. Even more amazing than the incredible music, though, is that these guys were able to take an old empty warehouse in the ‘hood in Detroit and make a CD that can stand up and hold its own to anything ever recorded in any million dollar studio anywhere in the world. It’s just totally amazing! For a free music download of one of their songs, go to The Radio Café website at www.theradiocafe.com and click on “Free Music Downloads”, and for anyone shopping for a music lover this season, run, don’t walk, and get this CD! It will be their favorite gift of the season, for sure. Way to go, Aaron and “Omni”! You guys are an awesome example to bands everywhere as to how to make an incredible CD with little or no budget. Congrats!