"Hey there, AaronGTV here! With over 25 years of experience in music, photography, videography, and professional video editing, I bring a unique and creative perspective to the table. And now, at AaronGTV, I'm excited to offer you high-quality voice-over services that bring your projects to life. Thanks to my diverse background, I'm well-versed in many of the common challenges you might face in your media projects, and I'm committed to making your experience with us as smooth and easy as possible. So don't hesitate to get in touch - I'm looking forward to working with you!"

Who Says You Can't Do It All? B)>+

The Links:

AaronGTV: AaronGTV.com
YouTube: youtube.com/AaronGTV
Twitter: twitter.com/AaronGTV
Facebook: facebook.com/AaronGTV
The Blog: aarongtv.blogspot.com/
Free Resources: a2stoolkit.blogspot.com/
Photography: aarongphotos.blogspot.com/
email: AaronGTVmedia@gmail.com
Winter’s End – Omni
Omni Productions
Is there such a thing as Christian Prog Rock? Yes, Elizabeth, there is and this band is the latest incarnation of this genre. Oh, you may think of Iona from England or AD with
Kerry Livgrin from Kansas, but this is 2010. Iona is still around and AD is long gone, (too bad, they were good, just a little ahead of their time). Omni is now, with powerful,
hopeful, very well done music for the brooding Christian masses. OK, maybe brooding is over the top, but this group is intense! I love the creativity of Aaron Golematis. He
is the chief cook and bottle washer of this group and he has done a great job of writing
News item 2
Uncle Frank’s Music Corner


Voiceover Sample

Friends & Affiliates
Questionable Audio
Detroit Soul Revue
Joe Giese
Wellington Street Studios
The Sound Shop in Macomb
Kevin W. Williams wesmix.com
Erin Accamondo | Elsie Binx
The C.A.M.P Online
Dave Hamilton Band
Torence Carey Studios
Pretty Gritty
Detroit Music Awards
Sweet Crystal Lite
DBA Worldwide
Dimeshift Media group
Marcus Cole
Yasmeen Suri
The Sound Shop